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  • Writer's pictureAlex Serban


Updated: Mar 26, 2020

The whole universe of the film revolves around the antique atmosphere of the 19th century, yet, the story takes place in modern times. Therefore, the props needed would eventually have to be old-looking to match with the atmosphere, but the modern aspect allows us as an excuse, to use also modern or modern-looking props.

As for the props, an ink pen would be needed, the pen is the symbol of a poet, it would match the character and the detail of the design of the pen cannot be neglected, since this would be almost his identity and image of the character.

Then, obviously a chair and a desk are important since most of the action will happen around them, and the ones that are going to be used are things that we already have such as a wooden chair, unfortunately, the desk has a more modern looking but that matches the set.

Another major part of the props is going to be the bottle of whiskey, which Iulio particularly appreciate for its perfectly matching round design with the wax seal that really gives an old feeling like back in the 19th century.

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